Simplicity 1882

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately.  I had an issue with my Flickr account so I couldn’t upload pictures.  Simplicity 1882 is a new release from the Spring 2012 collection.  It is one of their Amazing Fit patterns, which means it has different pattern pieces for B/C/D bra cup sizes and different pieces for slim, average or curvy hip/bum  area.  Here is my Pattern Review review.

Pattern Description:
Misses’ Amazing Fit dress with separate pattern pieces for A, B, C, D cup sizes and slim, average and curvy fit.
Pattern Sizing:6-24

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes but the dress is easy enough that an intermediate sewer wouldn’t need them.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I love that it has pattern pieces for different cup sizes, which cuts down on the fitting time. I like the contrasting fabric options. Pockets in a dress are always a plus.
Fabric Used: Kona cotton for both the black and the red.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: This pattern comes with different pieces for B,C,D cup sizes and slim, average and curvy bum/hip area. This means that very little alterations are needed. There are no above-the-waist alteration lines, so I made a 0.5 inch fold through the midriff. I also made a small Narrow Shoulder Adjustment.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes and Yes. I highly recommend this dress to newer sewists that struggling with hard-to-fit areas, namely smaller or larger than average bust.

Conclusion: Another winning pattern in the Amazing Fit pattern line! I wish all patterns were this easy to fit. The only detail I am unsure of is the skirt. It is a very slight A-line. I feel like it needs to either be a straight skirt or more flare in the A. The upper bodice fits so well that I am now using it as my princess seam sloper.

About andreahg

I'm a stay-at-home wife and mom to two boys, a cat and two rough collies. I love to sew and knit with vintage patterns, primarly from the WWII era.
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13 Responses to Simplicity 1882

  1. prttynpnk says:

    Oh I bought this too and yours is so fun, I want a bow too!

  2. This is beautiful.. Looks great on you and the fit is wonderful.. know you will enjoy wearing it…

  3. keisha says:

    one of my favorites you have made lately so cute and flattering!!!

  4. Ada says:

    Great fit. I wish I could find a dress pattern that looked as good. I have become a fan of the multi size cup patterns. They save so much time.

  5. CosmicCaro says:

    Great fit on you, love the color choices and your hair! I started mine a month ago (yeah, I’m a beginner, slow and sew only at night!) I did finished it backward to fit as per the instruction, but there was barely anything to alter! I LOVE the different cups sizes too! Seeing your version gave me the much needed kick in the b… to finish mine! Thanks! 😀

  6. Pella says:

    Great details on this dress!

  7. Bex says:

    Fabulous! Wow, i better go buy that pattern after seeing your version!

  8. Sandra says:

    Your dress looks way better than the pattern illustration! Beautiful!

  9. Prudence says:

    I said WOW when I first saw it. So cute! The red bangs really add to the dress.

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