
Hi and welcome to my sewing blog. I got my start in sewing as a historical reenactot, mainly focusing on Elizabethan men’s clothing. At times, I’ve been a professional, now I just sew for the love of it. I’m a stay-at-home mom to two boys, two collies and a cat. I’m also an occasional belly dancer, doumbek player, adult piano student, lover of pies and all around 50’s housewife.

15 Responses to About

  1. Inky says:

    pssst, Andrea, can you e-mail me please or msg me on yahoo (wednesdayaddams60).

    fedora has been down all weekend but i need to ask you a questions please 🙂

  2. sfrack says:

    taking piano as an adult? bravo!!!!!
    I am a piano teacher. Check out
    my site:

  3. kate says:

    Your dresses are hands down some of the most beautiful vintage recreations I have ever seen. You look beautiful in everything you make, and you seem to fit and tailor the patterns to perfection on your figure. How lovely!

    If you have time, I would love to have an email conversation and learn more about how you grade patterns and what adjustments you make to achieve such a lovely fit. I have been sewing diligently for about a year now, with the ultimate goal of creating dress like the ones you sew. From reading your posts, I think we may share some body shape/fitting similarities (full bust, short waist), and I would LOVE to know more about what you look for in a pattern and how you grade to fit your shape.

    You can see images of what I have sewn on my blog at http://sincerelyyours-kate.blogspot.com/ to give you an idea of my size, shape, and fitting issues.

    Again, you look so lovely! Keep sewing, I can’t wait to see what else you create!

  4. Laura says:

    I just found your blog and would like to say WOW! I, too, am a lover of all things from the past. I think I was born in the wrong time! I also “suffer” from being overly chesty. The fashions out in stores these days make me furious. Nothing ever fits. I have been sewing a bit here and there but only for my 2 year old. You have encouraged me to try something new!

    Thanks! Laura

    • Suzanne Schneider says:

      Hey there Lovely Laura!

      You don’t suffer from being chesty unless it causes headaches, sore back and/or straps leave dig marks in your shoulders. Being properly fitted for a bra is paramount. Go to a good (pricey shop) for the fitting and don’t be to proud to ask what’s in the discountinued or sale rack. Never be forced to buy! Say you’ll go for coffee and think it over (lots to process if they sized far different than what you thought you were). Take what you learned and the size to the nearest Target, Sears, Walmart and shop there. Spend time.

      Now about the stuff that’s sold in store, clothingwise. It’s based on the body type of a 5’5″ 20 year old that weighs 110 lbs. They grade the patterns up so that we get gaping armholes that sag in the underarms, huge neck openings, and crotches that hand halfway to the knee. CONGRATULATIONS on sewing your own clothes!! It takes trial and error. The most difficult part is pin-fitting yourself as the garment nears completion. This site on grading patterns is fab! It will help. Check out your local library for sewing magazines and books to loan. They will inspire you. GOOD LUCK, Laura!

  5. cutselvage says:

    Your blog is an inspiration! I was given a sewing machine this Christmas and your advice on grading patterns is a godsend.

  6. dd says:

    ok. where did you get that fabulous bra?

  7. Stacey says:

    Thanks so much for writing this blog. I’ve gotten sick of not fitting into the lovely vintage dresses I find at thrift stores and decided to try to sew some of my own. Your blog has been a major help to me as well as an inspiration. Thanks for showing us the “failures” too. That makes me feel less bad about my own mistakes and keeps me trying.

    • Suzanne Schneider says:

      We only learn by making mistakes. Use a muslin or back-of-the-wall discount fabric as you first try then it doesn’t hurt quite so much if it’s an oops the first time. GOOD LUCK!

  8. Beth Madron says:

    I author a classic movie review site. I love your work. I would love to have a peter pan collared button up shirt made. I am a size 44 bust!! There would be no rush. I you are not wiling to make one, could you refer me to someone who can? I can provide fabric. THX

    • andreahg says:

      I am a retired professional. I no longer sew for others. However, a simple peter pan collar would be easy enough to sew up for any seamstress. I highly recommend supporting local businesses. You can start by looking in your local yellow pages or by asking for recommendations from your local fabric stores.

  9. m says:

    wow @ your clothes. i’m roughly your size, not that i sew but just seeing someone plus in such great vintage outfits is inspiring.

  10. Esther-May says:

    Hello Andrea,
    I just discovered your site. I like clothing and furniture from the 50’s a lot. I am pretty much your shape so it was very inspiring to see you wearing all these beautiful dresses. I just got myself a brand new sewing machine with the intention to sew for myself so, here I go! Many thanks to you 🙂

  11. You are simply amazing! I am in awe of your work: you look really great in all your ensembles. I LOVE your pattern collection, I wish I could buy that many different patterns over here (Europe) but I will try to find some and make the pattern fit my body according to your tutorial. Thank you so much for sharing.

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