Simplicity 3515

This is my first, completely finished 1930’s dress.  There is no date, but the full skirt and puffed sleeves suggest late 30’s.  I don’t know 30’s fashion enough to narrow it down further than that.  The only alteration needed, beside the straight grade up to my size, was a 1in FBA.  This is the same amount I need for modern patterns.  Other than that, it fits like a dream.  The waist hits at my high waist, the armscye is nice and high.  If I make more, I will take in the waist a touch more and do a slight narrow shoulder adjustment.  What surprised me about this pattern was just how full the skirt is.  The hem circumference is the same as some of my 50’s patterns.  I bought the last of this fabric on the bolt, so I had to use some creative cutting.  There might be enough scraps to make a belt, but I’m not sure.

What I like most about this dress is the rick rack and the cherries on the collar

About andreahg

I'm a stay-at-home wife and mom to two boys, a cat and two rough collies. I love to sew and knit with vintage patterns, primarly from the WWII era.
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17 Responses to Simplicity 3515

  1. PepperReed says:

    Beautiful!! i have several patterns that era that I’ve shied away from thinking that they’d be too ‘trim’ for a full figure. The dress looks great on you and it’s good to know that they work well on the curvy ladies!

  2. Rueby says:

    Wow mad sewing skillz! That dress is ADORABLE and I love the print to death! It looks fantastic 🙂 Good job!

  3. sarah says:

    Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous!! It looks fantastic on and I LOVE the cherries and rick rack. It’s weird, I used to be so devoted to 50s fashions and now that I’m starting to actually sew for myself I’ve been moving backwards in time…

    also, I looked it up on CoPA and they would date that pattern 1940 – I’ve been reading that skirts started getting big before the war but I’ve never seen it with my own eyes before.

    Anyway, love the dress – great job!

  4. Heather says:

    Oh! I love the fabric even more now that I can see it up close! Rickrack…I’m a big fan. It looks fantastic on the collar and pockets!

  5. cindy says:

    Love this dress and it looks great on you!

  6. Twila Jean says:

    Looks fantastic! You always look so smashing.

    my 2 year old daughter is wearing a shirt in that CUTE cherry print right now! too funny 🙂
    very cute and I adore the fabric!

  7. K-Line says:

    This is terrific. The cherries totally make it. And the skirt is really full – seems 40s from that perspective. The sleeves are lovely and ladylike.

  8. MissAmelina says:

    Sooooooo sooo sooo soo cute. I love this.

  9. bunny says:

    The dress is stunning on you! Love the fabric and the collar cherries!!!


  10. Beth Conky says:

    The cherries and the rick rack are so adorable. Love it.

  11. That’s some awesome fit you got on your dress. It’s quite lovely on you.

  12. Shannon says:

    I just love this! I have a very similar fabric in yellow, but I’m really jealous of this beautiful blue. Great dress! Love the cherries and the rick rack!

  13. Linda says:

    Hello! Just found you by surfing thru sewing blogs and I have to say that is one of the prettiest dresses I have ever seen! You look just stunning!

    Do you mind my asking where you got your fabric?



  14. Retromodgirl says:

    I just found your blog, and am marveling at your creativity and great fashion sense! In a way, you look like me, so I am thrilled to see vintage clothes for my body type! And that dress is adorable!!!! I am so glad I found your site.

  15. Marilyn says:

    How about a shout-out for your pattern seller?

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