MMM Day 4

This MMM post is also a review.  The overalls are from, #3322.  I have been wanting to make these for a couple years but the MMM has spurred me to finally do it.  I’ve only made one other pair of vintage trousers, but they didn’t fit well so I only wore them a few times.  This pair fits nicely from the waist down but from the waist up there are issues.  First, while this is a multi-sized reprint, it only goes to 32in waist, so I needed to grade up a bit.  My upper chest is rather small for my size, so I really had to mess around with the bib.  I thought I had it right in my muslin, but I’ve learned the hard way that thin muslin doesn’t behave the like denim.  After constructing the bib (including all that top stitching), I tried it on and found a 2in gap at the top center front.  I’m glad I had fabric leftover and I was able to cut the bib out again after folding out the gap on my muslin.  It’s still a bit gappy, but a deeper bust dart would help fit the top edge better.  What angered me most on this pattern was my expectations.  I had thought that since I was buying a new reprint pattern, it was have better instructions.  At the very end of construction, the instructions tell you to cut a bias strip for the underlap at the side closure.  By this time, I had gone through most of my leftover fabric by recutting the bib.  I barely had enough for the strip and it isn’t on the bias.  However, this is common procedure for vintage patterns.  The other problem I had with this project was the fabric.  I have sewn with denim before, but it had always been a lighterweight stretch denim commonly found in chain fabric stores.  This was a medium weigh non-stretch denim from  It’s such a nicely fabric than the stretch denim but a real bear to sew.  I had gotten everything I needed to sew denim, but still, I broke every needle I bought for the project, plus more to where I ended up sewing them hem with my last ball point needle.  I also bent every single pin that I used.  There were several points where it was so thick that I couldn’t get the piece under my machine’s foot and had to hand sew.  At the waist band, the button is sewed onto the top and it closes with a hook and eye because my machine could not do a buttonhole through all that denim.  In the 12 years that I’ve been sewing with this machine, it has never had this much trouble, not with the home dec canvas, Elizabethan canvas corsets, the Mister’s several layers thick fencing armor.  All that being said, I love my overalls.  I feel this really extends my vintage wardrobe into something that can be every day, 365 days a year.  They are comfy enough for housework, warm enough for winter and roomy enough for long underwear underneath.  My only complaint is that they are too warm for summer.  I can see making them in linen or maybe seersucker.

About andreahg

I'm a stay-at-home wife and mom to two boys, a cat and two rough collies. I love to sew and knit with vintage patterns, primarly from the WWII era.
This entry was posted in Me-Made-May 2010, separates. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to MMM Day 4

  1. Viv says:

    Very cute! And you rock it beautifully, natch.

  2. Lauren says:

    Wow! Those are fabulous! Aahhh… I hate when projects go like that :/ but you can’t tell you ever had a bit of trouble with the finished project!! Fab!

  3. Inky says:

    seriously they look marvelous on you. i sew on denim often and it is a real pistol to work with. i have 3 yards of a very heavy denim to make that same pattern, maybe i’ll rethink it and just do it in a nice cotton to start with. you need to make more – it really suits you very well

  4. I think these are my favorite in your MMM series so far! Looks great.

  5. Debi says:

    FANTASTIC overalls! I found your blog from we sew vintage and I’m so happy you are doing me-made-may too! I’ve been seriously considering making these overalls during May as well (they would be perfect for gardening!) I love the buttons, the blouse, the snood–EVERYTHING 🙂

  6. reilly says:

    I know how you feel that it does seem like if you go through the trouble to own a vintage pattern repro company that it’d also be worth it to update the instructions, but I can imagine that it adds a LOT of time and effort to the process.

    They came out so great and are super hot on you! I want this pattern now.

  7. Devongirl says:

    This is gorgeous, worth all that hard work! Love the red buttons up the side.

    A muslin should always be in a fabric that has roughly the same weight and handle as the final fabric – in an ideal world. I mostly don’t bother now and fit as I go – but I first lay a pattern front that I know fits me ontop of the new pattern so I can see if there are any discrepancies and work it out from there. If my final fabric was really expensive, I would always do a muslin though.

  8. Faith says:

    Ahh, you look amazing! I’m inspired now to try and get this pattern (upgrade it TONS, for I am a big lady lol) and try it out because I’ve been wanting new overalls for a long time – so cute!

  9. Carolyn says:

    Overalls?? Amazing! You made your own overalls, that is so cool!

  10. Evelyn says:

    Oh I am SO HAPPY I found your blog! I adore these overalls…and have been planning on getting the pattern myself. Thank you so much for your honesty in the review of the pattern and that it wasn’t such a snap to make in mid-weight denim. I hope to make a pair out of linen (p.s. has superb 5.3oz linen in loads of adorable colors for a great price!! love them, seriously.)

    I had to giggle when I read about your making an Elizabethan corset. Seriously…when I was going to SCA events with my folks, Elizabethan was my favorite garb! I love not being able to sit on anything but a stool and need someone to loosen my bodice when I ate too much. We’re two gals cut of the same cloth 😉

  11. Ali says:

    I need help on these overalls. Could you please explain to me your procedure for the halter? Do you fold front piece at side opening matching o’s? or do you leave it raw and attach bias facing?
    Does that make sense?
    Also how do you complete halter back at opening? with an underlap? and what exactly is an under lap?
    Any help would be appreciated. I really love how yours turned out! I hope mine are just as beautiful!

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